inside the mind of every beautiful woman
lies the foreign land of beautifully
undisturbed lace-webbed thoughts
I do not know myself sometimes, or how to measure and name and count the grains that make me what I am. - Virginia Woolf
By nature, we do not perceive ourselves or others accurately. We magnify the importance of ourselves and diminish that of others. In the beauty of a clear night, however, we look at the stars and feel ourselves small, unimportant, and at peace. On an objective scale, we sense our insignificance. Somehow the realization comforts us. The return of the illusion hurts us, takes our peace away, allows us to magnify slights, rejections, and humiliations as others challenge the illusion of our self-importance with theirs. It is in our human nature that this be so; it is our task to transcend it.